Marriage Counsellor’s Perspective about Intimacy

4E4BC03B-8393-4D2F-B564-07A3B500DDF0Intimacy in marriage or relationship is a process that takes a great deal of time, effort and hard work. Once achieved, it also takes a great deal of effort to maintain. Couples must constantly search for ways to nurture their intimate relationships or marriage. Although it may be easy to fall in love, it is challenging to stay in love. Achieving and maintaining intimacy is a challenge worth pursuing. Dr Nisha Khanna is a renowned and leading Marriage Counsellor in Delhi NCR and India. Following are the ten essential things for a healthy intimate relationship or marriage:

  • Personality Trait:

Being comfortable with the partner’s personality traits is vital for a healthy relationship/ marriage. The more we like and accept the personality traits of our partner, the more satisfying the relationship/ marriage.

  • Communication:

Open communication is an essential component of healthy intimate relationships or marriage. A person can learn Communication skills. Some are comfortable talking about feelings, especially about relationship/marriage and for someone sharing the most common or mundane thoughts or feelings is complicated.

  • Conflict Resolution:

Some partners are more open than others in recognizing and resolving issues, whereas other believes that better not to talk about problems and to hope that problems will somehow disappear. Couples do well when resolving conflict rather than avoiding issues.

  • Financial Management:

For developing and maintaining a healthy intimate relationship or marriage, partners should be in close accord on how to earn and spend it. Some partners are spenders, and others are a saver. Issues regarding money matters are essential to be resolved.

  • Leisure Activities:

There is a potential for conflict in relationships or marriages having different ways of spending leisure time together. The Couple should work out with mutual consent on leisure activities. It enhances leisure activities.

  • Sexual Relations:

Couples having good sexual life can express themselves more freely and openly in the relationship while respecting each other’s needs and desires.

  • Children and Parenting:

Couples must decide when to have children and how many. They must agree on discipline techniques and how to prioritize children, marriage and career.

  • Social Circle

Gregarious is the quality of human beings. It is saying that a man is a social animal. Changes in relationships with immediate families, relatives and friends should handle carefully. A sound support system in the form of family and friends can be a good resource for a couple.

  • Division of Roles:

Whether it would be a clear-cut division of roles and tasks? What works best for a couple? Whether it is on an equality basis or a division of functions following the more male-female definitions. The Couple needs to agree on many issues mutually.

  • Religious Orientation:

Couples should have a consensus on spiritual values that forms a strong bond. Strong religious and spiritual values are essential family strengths.

Dr Nisha Khanna as a Relationship/Marriage Counsellor, proffers online, telephonically and face-to-face Counselling Services. She has been a leading Psychologist by profession for more than two decades and is more popular as a Marriage Counsellor in Delhi NCR. If you live in Delhi, India or any other part of the World, you can approach us through any of these mediums. For further details, visit Bye Tense, or call us at +91-9818211474