Depression Counsellor Archive

How and Why Mood Swings impact Relationship?

In our daily interactions, we often meet people who have mood swings and their state may vary from a few hours to a few days. The impact of these unhealthy mood swings damages their personal as well as professional life. The person suffering from these mood swings may have depression, bipolar or borderline personality disorder. There are more than

Learn How to Treat Depression without Medicine

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Depression is an affective disorder that can make it hard for you to enjoy your day-to-day activities. It often begins when the person is inactive and unable to follow the routines. In most cases, individuals take the medication to cure without counselling or therapy sessions. The role of Counselling or Therapy is effective in treating depression. The counsellor or therapist helps the client to regain their confidence and enhance their self-esteem. A counsellor or Psychologist helps them to